"The Secret to Loving Your Life" Biographical Book, Workbook and Photobook Package
"The Secret to Loving Your Life" Biographical Book, Workbook and Photobook Package
"The Secret to Loving Your Life" Biographical Book, Workbook and Photobook
Upon purchase, you will receive the physical book, the physical workbook and the Physical Photobook for "The Secret to Loving Your Life" that accompanies the course.
Do you wish god had written a different script for you? Do you see your life as an exquisite feast or burnt toast? Are you eating and enjoying every bite or is it boring, bland, and predictable? Are you filled with regret and shame or hope and healing? Our lives begin to be truly transformed when we stop asking God to change our circumstances, and allow Him to change our perspective!
Behind every challenging situation there is a loving God whose victorious perspective is far greater than the trials we face. God’s will is that we would embrace the life He has given us, instead of wishing for what does not exist and would not satisfy even if it did. If you have come to the realization that you have fished all night and caught nothing, it is not an accident. Keep fishing! God has perfectly positioned you to read this book. The breakthrough you have been longing for is just ahead!
Is there a secret to God transforming a life?
God says, “…you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 19:13) In my 51 years of following Jesus, the people I’ve witnessed getting truly free are those who recognize they needed God in a heavier dose than ever before. They didn't nibble around the edges. Though it’s understandable, and even for a season reasonable, if that’s as far as a person goes (nibbling around the edges) they’ll never really get to know God, they’ll never really get healed, and they’ll never find the peace God promises and they long for. Only the fully abandoned—fully open the gifts God has for them."
"Jesus, today I am seeking You with all of my heart!"
Book Reviews
“I want to tell you that our small group studying ‘The Secret to Loving Your Life’ is exploding. I had _____ send me five more books and now I need 10 more. We are pleasantly surprised in this explosion. The _____ group (a group of men that meet early on Saturday mornings because of pornography and other addictions) are using portions of this book also. Our two staff counseling team is also interested in using this book for encouragement for their patients.”
——“It was a wonderful refresher on the concepts from your The Secret to Loving Your Life book. I know that it will bless many, many others. You have a way of presenting God’s Word in a very poignant way that penetrates even the thickest of skin. God perfectly positioned my husband and I to end up in one of the small groups that were going through the book when it first came out. I do not exaggerate when I say that it revolutionized our marriage and family and guided us to seek the Lord’s healing of some very deep, deep wounds. I’m sure He will ‘divinely orchestrate’ a time when (husband’s name) and I can share our story.”
“I was given your book, ‘The Secret to Loving Your Life’ by my secretary and friend. God has turned my life upside down over these past couple of months. He’s healing me from years of ‘stuffed’ pain. When I went through a divorce 32 years ago…I forgave my husband, but dove into work and into God’s work and never dealt with my own pain. Through a series of recent events, God has been pealing back the layers of my heart and it is the most painful thing I have ever experienced. Your book has helped me to see that God is perfectly positioning me for the next step. I walk a day at a time and that’s ok. I long to hear God’s voice each morning. Thank you for your transparency. God bless you.”
“I have read the book and I was captivated by every word on every line. It is one of those books you cannot set aside and if you do, you cannot wait to get back to the glorious reading. What a faith building book and I pray God’s anointing on it. I will re-read it several times. I can see using this book in small groups for study and evaluation of personal life.”
“When we began The Secret to Loving Your Life and began to examine our hurts and failures, I was broken and still a little raw, trying to recover from some painful situations. By the end, I can honestly say, God has healed me, has shown me His great love and forgiveness and I am in a much better place.”
“After I read the book I could not believe what had taken place. It was as if someone had put my questions with you and you sent back the answers. I would like to give every member of my family (5) a copy of this book.”
“It’s the only book I’ve ever read where I finished the last sentence and started the first chapter again. It’s absolutely life-changing.”
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